I am Luke Renner. I am the person this article talks about...

Luke Renner - June 5 2009, 8:59 AM

I am Luke Renner.

I am the person this article talks about.

Thanks to everyone for your positive thoughts.

As for the negative reaction, the word "missionary" can be an unfortunate one and is not a word I have chosen to describe myself.

When a white man moves to Haiti with his family, he is quickly dubbed a "missionary." In the truest sense, I am in Haiti as an educator and a facilitator.

Our goal is simple and focused; teach Haitians media technology skills.

Even the term "film school" is a bit misleading because we are doing much more than offering filmmaking skills.

We are focusing on using the tools of "mass communication" as tools of "mass education." Eventually, our students will create productions that move around the problem of illiteracy and teach through audio/visual means.

I hope that helps to clear things up a bit.


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Mr Renner, thank you for stepping in and clarifying...

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