Belfim IP Address Ban Lifted! Please Behave

It's Amnesty time at Belfim!

We've decided to remove all banned IP Addresses on from out Banned IP Address list. Please behave or we will ban it again.

Because of the constant bashing and negativity going on in amongst people in the Haitian movie industry, we've decided to implement a strict policy banning IP addresses.

What does that mean?

If we catch you overly promoting yourself in our website while bad mouthing someone else's movie or another actor, here is what will happen:

  1. Every single comment you post will be wiped out. That includes ALL positive and negative comments you ever posted using that computer.
  2. We will then ban your computer's IP address. That means you will not be able to post any comments on even if your life depended on it

Let's create a friendly atmosphere!

Our intention is to help promote ALL Haitian movies and ALL Haitian actors, everyone has the same priority. The Haitian movie industry is a young and growing movie industry, We DEMAND that all Haitian actors and film makers do the very best they can to encourage each other.

Are we encouraging mediocrity?

No, we are encouraging progress, we are encouraging everyone to try.

  • No Filmmaker ever makes a blockbuster movie on their first try. With Haitian movie budgets and DVD sales so low I doubt that most of you will.
  • No actor ever give a blockbuster performance on their first try. Some Haitian actors make very little money, most Haitian actors don't get paid at all.

There are very few people in the Haitian movie industry who live solely on a filmmaking income. Haitian filmmaking is still a part time business, something people do on the side.

When you apply that "this movie sucks and mine is better" while hiding under the protection of Belfim's anonymity you are not helping anyone, not even yourself, and you are not encouraging progress.

There are constructive ways to criticize an actor and a movie.

  • Tell us what you like
  • Then, tell us what needs improvement
  • Even if "it sucks", sometimes it does "suck", find at least "one thing" that is good about it then tell us all the things that needs improving.

The world is watching, we have to encourage each other simply because... NO ONE else is helping.

If your IP Address was banned, as of February 26, 2008, that ban has been lifted.

No hard feelings, we are just trying to help each and everyone of you and we need you to help us help you.

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