L'Ombre Du Peche

L'Ombre Du Peche - Plot Summary

Lilyan, Daniel's wife got involved in a one night love relation with her ex boy friend Thierry.

Lilyan becomes pregnant and confides her apprehensions to her friend Yolanda who advises her to keep the baby. Lilyan gives birth to Tatiana

Who is Tatiana's father, Thierry or Daniel?

17 Years later, Thierry who lives with Yolanda, decides to blackmail Lilyan, asking for a lump sum of money in order to not confront Daniel and unveil the sin of his wife.

To protect her family, how will Lilyan react?

Is she going to seduce Thierry, give him the money or confess her weakness to her husband?

L'ombre du peche a drama that becomes more and more prevalent in today's society.


Lilyan, la femme de Daniel, tombe dans les bras de son ex- boyfriend Thierry.

Lilyan devient enceinte et confie ses problemes a son amie Yolanda qui lui conseille de garder l'enfant. Elle met au monde Tatiana.

Qui est le pere de Tatiana? Daniel ou Thierry?

17 ans plus tard, Thierry qui vit avec Yolanda, sous les instigations de cette derniere decide de faire chanter Lilyan.

Il exige une tres forte somme d' argent de celle-ci, afin de ne pas devoiler a Daniel le peche de sa femme. Pour sauvegarder sa famille, comment Lilyan va t-elle reagir?

Va t'elle accepter de coucher avec Thierry,de lui donner l'argent ou d'avouer sa faute a son mari, ou...

L'Ombre du peche,un drame qui devient de plus en plus courant dans notre societe.

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