go to esl class

Angelica - May 14 2007, 3:36 PM

Natasha, you are sending Samuel Vincent to school, how about ESL and grammar class for yourself.

You are illiterate you never went to school and you so full of caca. You can't spell, you can't write English correctly.

You don't know how to explain yourself; you sound like you from the ghetto, well you are from the ghetto.

It is okay if you give your opinion about the movie, but it is not okay to abuse the English language like that. For your pathetic information, "Temptation" is an excellent movie it was the number one movie of the year. In addition, as for as Juliette Milord is Samuel's wife, so what he is you jealous?

Do you like Samuel too?

Oh, he doesn't want you! Not for one nightstand...

the best thing for you to do is to work on your grammar and your vocabulary...

now get lost...

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If You Were Educatedyou'll Know About Good Critic...

Related profile:

Samuel Vincent

Actor, Temptation (2004)

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