Belfimfan - January 25 2007, 2:44 AM

Okay, I was trying now to pay attention to this movie however I will drop this one due to Raynald Delerme aka BABA is starring on this one. I specially want to target him because I used to believe in him as someone who was the first to bring digital cinema in haiti, not only that he is the first one who put languichatte on tv and big screen back in the 80's. For so many movies Raynald has produced i could name a few: "1988-Funeraille" "Sherico S.A" "Infidelite" La femme de mon ami, and so off (long list) I thought he would have try to expend himself into a widest market, like some other haitian director did, ex: Raoul Peck, Bruna Wikenson, Sacha Parisot etc...

Why a man who was the first one to create this generation " digital cinema" now put himself in the bottom.

Let's be honest, all the world knows that Tifi paste was a crap! even Mss Carlo admitted it, yes now The Delermes are directing the second version and i know that for a fact technically the sequel will be at least favorable than the first one but storywise there will be nothing new. Let me help you people understand a little bit.
What's the combination of BABA and Mss Carole will give you "BABA + Mss Carole = a movie where BaBa takes someone's wife or girlfriend and this last is looking for revenge, and when he (BABA) meet miss carole he will try to pimp her".

Case close!

Let's analyse:
Raynald is giving me the same story over and over again (if you don't believe me go watch "la femme de mon ami") it is the same story.

You are talking about new twist, where is it?

there are none, from what you are telling here there is no twist bro. twist is something people will find out later on and was not experting.

twist is something that reavilling to you while you did not see it coming, that's a twist.

I think Raynald you are desappointing a lot of fan, people who knew you from day one, friends who believed in you, i see that you may be grown physically but your talent stuck in the 80's, but this is 2007, WAKE UP! now movie needs to be fantastic, amazing, great, revealling, outstanding.

There are so many stories that one's could think of.
why don't you fight to make a movie about haiti independency, don't let the white men come a do it for us. You should fight with the haitian goverment in order to come to make something like that happen.

Why not?

they will listen to you. Man, You created a generation but you are letting them judging you now, you are the one who make Jean Gardy Bien-aime, his was not afraid to say it, last year on a radio interview.

What happen to you man! why all of you want to make that a quick cash. Now a days i have seen haitian movie directors vomit movies in a blink of an eye, since when a good movie was so easy to make. Why don't you try make something and send it to an american film festival or the cannes festival etc...

what is your goal man.

It's been too long, you were the first one, all I am seeing now it just you are making a few penny on ti fi paste-a but why can't you think bigger than that. If you only take time and make something where you could export it to another market, just one movie could have slove all your financial problem.

PLEASE STOP LOOKING FOR PENNY! It will never help you, (there is a movie call "Open water" i will love if you could go buy or rent the dvd look for the behind the scene and the story behind this movie, that's might help you a lot.)
Raynald I am watching you and some other so call movie director are destroying something you spend you time in school for it. It is for the money or for the love.
In any case where or not Raynald Delerme directed and edit tifi paste-a 2 it will not surprise me for Raynald can't beat himself, i mean ( after a long time you have been in the market and when you come back you bring us ALA TRAKA POU BABA, when i analyse it i have seen any, i mean any progress at all, it is the same crap over and over again.


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im a director and i believe must of the people who...

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