bad move baba

The Director - January 31 2007, 11:37 AM

im a director and i believe must of the people who write on belfim are directors or actors so when we say something it comes from the heart i really think this is a very bad move delerme
choosing a script or movie to participate in is very important for both the director and actor in that case raynald is guilty for both you see when you playing sport like soccer you can bring an extra player to reinforce a team after a big lost not when it comes to movie it's a story you selling if the first one was a disaster the crowd wont show up for the second one other than your family of course.

my point is the purpose of doing a sequel of a movie is because the crowd love the first one in tifi paste a case that's the contrary to be honest with you baba
we all got bills man you know but our integrity is what's keeping us alive this is the wrong way to end your career and to your son marc seriously people this 2007 in this is your come back and marc this not how you start a career my friend

in conclusion im not here to judge the delermes young and old but to remind you guys that there are people watching these things for the love of movie making please be wise on yall decision the money your making for this movie wont repair the damage that's done to your career years to come

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Okay, I was trying now to pay attention to this movie...

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You guys are giving so much advertising to this movie...

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