Please read that and don't answer

Chris - November 27 2006, 11:03 AM

you can say whatever you want, you don't me and you start talking trash about me. Listen I have been in this industry for 10 years working with some great people in this field, when I wrote about player 1/2 I did my critics about the editing, technically if you are not a sick person you should see that the editing is not good. Like you said a lot of american movies are trash but when you go to they don't have any problems with critics.

Darling I'm glad for you, you speak 5 languages, very good, I can speak only three, but remember I'm an haitian that's all. By the way do you know if time you sent a comment to someone the system records your IP address, this is to ay that if I need your info I can get it. If i said something you don;t like it you are free to say you are not agree with me but with respect please.

I don't know you and you don't me neither.

if you have these movies watch them and let me know what you think.

Profonds Regrets and Le choix de ma vie, je t'en prie cesse tes mots ronflants car j'aimerais bien etre sage avec toi je te laisse a la prochaine.

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