hey salle pute you cross the line

Chris - November 27 2006, 9:51 AM

I don't really have time to talk to you. If I understand you, to involve in that business we have to speak english very well. you are so stupid, tell me how many american stars do you know who speaks several languages.

there is something wrong with my people specially haitian women if you don't speak several languages you can't not be in that or this particlar area of business.

that's wrong.

i can be a celebrity and cannot speak english or french, what's the point?

de toute facon personne comme toi je ne dois pas perdre pas meme une seconde pour te parler, peut etre en tournant un film si je te vois dans un coin de rue je te ferai signe avant que tu sois affecte "HIV"la prochaine fois je ferai la difference et comme j'aurai l'opportunite de t'enfoirer salle pute

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