honey don't take your grouges out on us

Ashley - October 5 2006, 10:58 AM

hatians are so quick to make judjement they usually end up making good one when they really think that they are hurting you. I think that you should understand that by you bringing them down will only make them stronger and better at what they do. and you had the nerve to say that most of the producers have stolen from us, don't you think if they had more support that critics like such they would improve more in what they do. for example you were talking about movies that don't have a premier, you do understand that "we actors" have a life just like you, and if a movie don't have a premier it doesn't neccesarily means that the movie is not good tako DOLORES for example it's a great movie and didn't have a premier.

so Honey next time think twice before you post something okay.


what wrong with the haitian movie industry

why do we have more bad movies than good one? If you are a producer, writers,directors, actors Etc. reading this, this...

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