Be more supportive...

Koukouye - September 18 2006, 4:48 PM

Maybe you've never seen a Haitian movie and that's why your opinion is so negative, because I've seen a couple and the plots and stories make perfect sense.

As well as they are low budget films so it's not logical to expect Paramount Pictures.

In other words stop hating and try and be more supportive of what the haitian commnity is trying to accomplish.

Besides most producers, writers, etc...

in the Movie industry always start off sloppy and with time they've gotten better, take for example Spike Lee. his movies still seem sloppy and low budget, but he has made millions producing and writing them as well as that platform has opened the doors to other opportunities for him, so instead of putting down the masterminds behind the Haitian Movies try praying for them and encouraging them. God Bless


what wrong with the haitian movie industry

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