Mora Junior Etienne is GAY!

Nicole Edwidge S Cousin - March 26 2010, 1:23 AM

we just find out that the producer mora junior etienne is gay, he toke $ 8.000 from my cousin that's gay 2 years ago, he never gave him the money back so now my cousin is out of patient and want to put out all the secret.

he went to the sheraton suite hotel with my cousin to get the money, they make love before he give mora the money.

mora keep on ignored his phone call think like he's not gonna say anything.

now he say's that he is sorry for mora. he live with me in west lantana rd and haver hill. mora told him that he know everybody in palm beach good and the bad guys. he's treating my cousin, listen mora i was born here ok, i know the law. you can't do to him. i'm warning you if you don't call to make an arrengement to say when you ganna give the money i'm gonna be the one to come and get it ok.


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all of the sudden his gay, cause he owes your cousin...

Okay, Let' me think about for a quick second! Mora...

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