name 5 director you would like to team up

The Truth - May 7 2009, 6:54 PM

all this talk will fade away. lets take 5 directors if join together can take our movie industry to the international level.

i mean when you put all 5 together they can produce one movie a year, that can actually compete at any major film festival.

why not even win us an Oscar.

after we name them, see if they can actually listen to us and take that step.

there's a start.

lets stop talking and take action.

YOU CHOOSE THEM but do so in a bipartisan way.

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Movie Man says...

My choices are thelio,reginald lubin,samuel vincent,ralph bermapro, joan demosthene aka... more »

Belfim Fan says...

i would pick these guys and i would give them those jobs JACQUES ROC... more »

Frantz Vertus says...

Belfim Fan... You need to know a little bit more about filmaking to trully understand... more »