You can spot a good actor from a bad movie

Jackson - July 4 2006, 2:58 PM

Gino, I some what agree with what you said, but Being a director doesn't mean you have the last words.

there is the producer which sometime is not the director.

remember the job of a director is to direct not to train.

training is up to the actor to make sure that he or she has the proper training.

a director has a lot to do with wether a movie is good or bad, but I don't think a bad director can make a good actor or actress look bad. the director will make bad directing choises, but the actor will stay true to the character that he or she is playing.

what I'm saying is you can still spot a good actor from a bad movie.

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I will take your word for it as far is the movie...

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Nice Simon

Photo © by Kenston

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