haitian don't give award for talentgood bacgroun

Pierremary - December 9 2007, 11:52 PM

I don't think no body here understand what's going on with haitian awards.

Haitian don't give award because you did something good, or becuase you have talent no no no, to be qualify for an haitian award you need to have a good background that's mean: what school you went to in haiti, where you use to live, who are your family, what are you doing right now.in a simple language what class of person you are.If you came from the little class in haiti don't expect to get an award even if you doing good things for the community.so, what i can say to all my musician, actors out there who have a dream and talent go to school learn english reduce your accent and try to get to the american market, and expect your talent will be regonize, after that all the haitian will accept you and will also regonize your talent because they will see you on mtv award receiving and award, and you will learn your respect just like wicleff jean, marcell bauvais, etc...do you think if wicleff was only stay in the haitian community they will give him all that respect nop, li se ti neg ki paka pale francais kite rete amba laville, kote haitian sa yo tap bal chance sa, but like we all know money talk, he got a lot and they respect him.so, this is are bad we are people.

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