Inspiration- You can do all things through Christ

Genji Jacques - March 16 2006, 4:40 PM

This is to MLR- In regards of the Wind of Desire Movie.

I thank you for your support.

I do recall that you have talent but your afraid to show it, and I do recall that you don't have the self-esteem to go before people to show your talent.

Well I want to help you by saying that you can do anything you want to if you put your mind to it. First, you have to know who you are, what your mission is and purpose is in your life. Moreover, you have to believe in yourself that you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you. Now I don't know if your a believer in Gob but I am and I can say that God gives me the power to do what I am doing now and without him I wouldn't be able to do it. He's my source, my power, and my strength.

Since God is in my life I have high self-esteem not in a conceited way but in a way that I am whole with in myself.

In all you have look within yourself and say: I can do it!!!! and to me to you I beleive that you can be all that you can be! So go out there and do it.

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hi Genji, How are you? I really like the role you...

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Genji Jacques

Actor, Wind Of Desire (2003)

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go on fellow christian brother. your advice was worth...

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