LAGO KACHE coming soon

Raynald Delerme - May 31 2007, 8:43 AM

Hi everyone:
It's been a beusy year for me in the cinema industry.

Besides running a TV station in Haiti, a national TV network, I was able to do 2 movies "
Alatraka pou Baba #2" and "Ti Fi Pastè #2".

I am now wrapping "LAGO KACHE", a comedy that I am sure you will just love. It should be released on DVD by the end of June. How far will a Mom go to get her daughter hooked up with the perfect rich guy?

"LAGO KACHE" will take you on a journey into the minds of a desperate mother with only one asset, her beautiful daughter.

Starting July, I will be in the North West of Haiti, Port-de-Paix, St Louis du Nord, La Tortue, Mole St. Nicholas, shooting a new film, "THE TREASURE OF THE SANTA MARIA".

I want to thank you all for you are the ones whon give me the energy to keep on working.

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