poor quality movie rated D

Mark Cunningham - May 3 2007, 6:34 PM

the movie was cheap and fake. the actors were very fake. you could tell they were acting.

they need to watch more real american actors.

haitian actors never make it big we are a small minority group.

try get some acting classes and also maybe moving to new york or los angeles then you can call yourself an actor.

Im tired of wannabe actors who has no experience.

the movie was poorly done. the camera man did not even capture the images correctly.

i give this so called movie a D+, and you guys really need some acting lesson its just to fake. and it was a typical haitian movie..low budget films never make money.

so dont even think you will get far just try american movies instead.

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Productions and behind the scenes pictures

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There are a substantial amount of Actors who's roots...

Oh shut your gaboon mouth up, whatever your name is...

u talking like u know shit!!!. if u know so much why...

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