It's time for a change Please...! it's time!

Roro Alphonse - April 27 2007, 7:00 PM

I know this is definitively a lie on Yvon Alteon of Tele Diaspora.

The person who started that online knows he/she is lying and full of it. But why doing that?

Yvon put a lot for us on Haitian Cinema and some of us don't like that, period! And they wish that should be them. It's really not fair for Haitian Cinema and for all of us. That's will not taroroking us anywhere.

I wish you, the liar, can stop that and let continue promote Haitian Culture in cinema to the world together as they already appreciated it; that will be better for all of us and take care your personal issue with Yvon one to one with him as a man if you are one.

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