Scripts for sale or give away

Bobb Rousseau - April 9 2007, 4:39 PM

My job is not allowing me to fly down to Florida, New York, or Boston to shoot a movie.

I have three scripts that will tease your interests from start to finish.

The stories are already published in my book "Scars & Scratches" If any haitian movie producer is interested; check my demo website or buy my book online at

I am not bragging but poeple who have read my manuscrits believe that these stories would make a great movie.

I have three scripts.

1. The general's Wife
2. The revolted Therapist (my favorite)
3. The Cinderella Girl

Check my website or call me at 931-539-9114

P.S. The book will be available in June 1st, 2007

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