to Mr. Woodrig baba deserves it he's a liar

Ticame - February 6 2007, 6:34 PM

I knew Roodrigue was going to come between this. Woodridge, these are not personal attacks, baba is telling the world that he graduated from University of Miami, and we believed him until G9conceptla did a research on him and discovered that baba never attended that university; there is no record of him at all. The only record found on Reynald Delerme is he was a student at Lindsey Hopkins.

Baba did insult that guy by telling him that he's going to need him. No one is going to need baba, in fact baba needs us to support him in his career and after today he can kiss his career goodby because he is not going to get support from me or the rest of the people who already know that his movies suck. baba is sending the guy to learn how to do math. Baba is so arrogant and he's full of baloney, he started the whole mess first, he will get negative feedbacks, as for baba, you fooled us, you ate our money, enough is enough, no more free meat...



Ladies and gents, Please STOP all personal attacts. Stick to movies, bashing will not be tolerated. this is not the...

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