Attention Baba Correction to your big mouth!!!

G9conceptla - February 6 2007, 11:47 AM

Oh my God, It gets even better.

I thought you were a smart guy you know. Look fool, If you really know what you were talking about you should know that UM Kept his archives open for more than 30 years before they deactivate the files to the school board reserve center in downtown Miami.

Anyone working at the registar's office is allowed to view those informations.

Unfortunately, yours weren't there because you were never at the University of Miami.

As far as Miami Dade, Let me correct you. I am a Miami Dade College student, I would never downgraded my own School and for your own information, just to show you how far behind you are. Miami Dade is no longer a Community College.

It is an Actual College and sooner will me a University.

Trust me Baba I can do the math. That's why instead of spending 15 box buying your crappy movies I rather pay gas with it so I can go to work and make more money.

This is call smart addition my man. Is your son as Ignorant as you?

Depi ou Rat ou Rési pran nan Pèlin avem ti gason.

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