i hate Ku Klux Klan haitian black power!

Angelica - November 25 2006, 11:11 AM

Are you upset because I mentioned Genji Jacques?

Are you mad because I am telling the truth?

The only imbecile person here is your mama who never went to school.

That was extremely dumb, "accountants don't know about art" that comment has to come from a crack head like you. Remember crack head, we have three rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights,1. The right of freedom of "speech", 2 press religions and request change of bad actors; also the most important right granted to U.S Citizens is the right to vote, so I vote Rudolph, Genji, and Stephanie out! Even the chief justice of the Supreme Court "William Rehnquist" agrees those bad actors must leave the scene! Are you in rage now! If you are, go put on your white hood and white robe and start burning crosses like Ku Klux Klan, may be you are a Klan, go burn black churches, start chopping Haitians into pieces, start saying "white power" come burn my house because I said Genji, Rudolph and Stephanie suck in acting.

Okay black Klan, I give you enough to write, now start typing.

Now crack bimbo, are you going to seat behind your computer and post comments back and forth?

Well if you are, you better do it alone because I don't have time to respond to KKK. "Wind of Desire" is a good movie, but the value of the movie decreased to ground zero because of three terrible actors, (Rudolph Moise) (Genji Jacques) and (Stephanie Henriquez) super low performance.

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Accoutant don't talk about art. Because all you know...


Genji Jacques and Rudoph ruined Wind of Desire

The movie "Wind of Desire" could have been better if those non-professional actors weren't in it. They ruin the entire...

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Profanity! Profanity! talking about people's mama...

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