Haitians need to stop buying that tramp movies, all he does is...

L. B - March 3 2010, 7:18 AM

Haitians need to stop buying that tramp movies, all he does is seducing women, making false promises to have them in his bed. He doesn't have any moral values, i'm one of his victim, he destroyed my family, by having an affair with my wife: Mad...

while he was living with a woman.

He's an opportunist, a liar, a cheater, an immoral.

He lied to both of them, insisting for my wife to leave me for him. This is a man that promotes impudicity, immorality, infidelity, he doesn't practice what he's preaching in his movies.

It's about time for people to denounce this type of behavior.

People like that don't have anything to teach others.This man is a perverted hore.


Mora Junior Etienne

People need to stop buying, and supporting Mora Junior Etienne' Movies. He doesn't practice what he preaches. He's a...

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