This is for Darline

Chacha Ft Lauderdale - August 24 2006, 11:19 AM

First of all if a movie is great you dont watch it two to three times to get the story, you would watch two to three times because it good you cant get enough of it, if i'm watching a movie for the first time i expect to get the story on the first try.

Sencondly in my comments i said the " Idea was ok but there was nothing to it" wich mean the idea wasn't proven.You said it right "the movie had a story behind it," I as many other that i know just couldn't see it.

# 1 You cant have a movie with no script.

#2 she was coming onto Dolores boyfriend, what led beatrice to do, how was that showing in the movie.

This qoute is from your comment:

"story could be true there is a lot of woman that come from Haiti virgin, just because you didn't or you didn't see it in your generation doesn't mean its not true." Common sense The whole story itself is not true but the Virgin Part why would i think that it cant be true.

This qoute is from my comment read it, it had nothing to do with being a virgin,

It suppose to be a true story that took place at Pompano so it says at the beginning it is "not a true story" You are not going to find a kid who came from Haiti at 12 years-old working at the Swap shop dressing up like a 40 year old woman at 25.At the age that she came from haiti, you not going to find her in this lifestyle she came to the U.S to young for her to choose the lifestyle that was show in the movie, it cant be true.

The Haitian movie industry need to start stepping up to the plate, and start showing not good but great movie.

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Firs of i dont agree with you,i personally love the...

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to Mr. Chacha. my nam is Betty i have to agree with...

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