Be careful of new haitian movie rental website

Raynald Delerme - December 27 2009, 6:02 PM

There is an internet movie rental site advertising Haitian movies.

Be very careful before you join. They have very deceptive advertising.

They are now showing that they will soon have for rental "Dyab Baba", ""Le Péché et le Pardon", "Girls Club" and more. The release dates of these movies are not even set yet by the producers and there is no contract or agreement to rent those movie.

Be very careful before joining and giving your credit card information.

That website is I know many of you want to see those movies at home, that's where they get you. Stay tuned to and to know where these movies are playing and when they will be available on DVD. Thank you for supporting the real producers of Haitian Cinema.

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To respond to Mr William Delerme comments regarding reddflix we made several attemp to... more »