You see, i told you haitians don't play. they can kill you in...

I Told You So - November 30 2009, 11:41 AM

you see, i told you haitians don't play. they can kill you in a minute with voodoo spells.

that trip falling in a balcony is not an accident, it was meant for you to die for getting those women pregnant and for giving aids to them. they are working on you till you died. you know you are dealing with haitians, and haitians practice voodoo black magic.

they will get you for sleeping with many women.

Desma, take it easy and slow down with your life. you are young you don't wanna die like that. when you are recover, more voodoo spell on you. you may not recover from your injuries, you may die in the hospital.

all i can say you go around too much, you must slow down

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