Raynald, You're right; we are living in an era where the...

Barbie Upgraded - May 28 2009, 2:58 PM


You're right; we are living in an era where the depictions of Haitian women in foreign media are unfair.

But as a cineaste, to say that "Cinema is for beautiful and sexy women" is very shallow, sexist and straight up reinforcing the objectification of women in the industry.

If cinema is for beautiful and sexy woman...then my friend, I guess you're in the wrong field...

Good cinema IS and WILL remain for the talented and gifted.

Any good actor can play any role and make it as real as it can get. For ex: a beautiful and sexy woman (by societal standards) can portray an ugly individual and vice versa.

That's what good actors do...they act...Let's not mis-inform the readers.

Sexiness is dependent on universal perceptions created by the media.

A few points to ponder:
1. It is time that our movie makers (Hollywood and/or Belfim) stop objectifying women in this industry.

2. It is time that we stop disregarding personal and intellectual abilities and capabilities of our female artists.

3. It is time to stop reducing our women to instruments of sexual pleasure for men.

I don't argue that the woman afore mentioned is beautiful because to me beauty like many other things is subjective.

The media undoubtedly have the power to convey the messages without portraying any women as sex objects.

No offense taken, none given.

My name is Barbara Rodriguez and I said it

PS: I've always wanted to say that too...

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At a time when all foreign visual media is only...

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