I have a tremendous amount of respect for you Jacques Roc. I...

Stfleur Entertainment - May 6 2009, 9:43 PM

I have a tremendous amount of respect for you Jacques Roc. I applaud you for the work that you are doing in the community.

Thank you for raising the bar and I wish we could have more of you. I believe your movie Pluie d'Espoir will be one of the best Haitian movie and I can't wait for the finish product.

The truth is this, we have a lot of actors that are extremely talented, we have some that needs to be coached before playing in a movie.

There are many directors and producers that have an enormous amount of talent; there are some that needs to be on the sideline taking notes.

Can Haitian Filmmakers Make A Better Movie?


There are a lot of great Haitian movies out there, although we have a lot of room for improvement.

I have a long list of Haitian actors, directors, and producers that I respect and admired.

I would like to work with them in the near future.

I think it's time for us to combine our talents to make great products that the whole world can enjoy.

We have what it takes, so let's do it.

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Dear St Fleur You got me thinking my friend and I...

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Thank you St Fleur, you have said it all. I believe...

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