Finally real movie conversation!

Jackson - July 4 2006, 12:35 AM

it's finally nice to see some real conversation about movie making, where I can start getting into it. I have to say as far a directing, there is very very few haitian movies with any noticeable direction in it. I was so suprised to see this movie se lavi with a superb directing job. a direction that you can compare to the american market.

He is a first time director.

after seing the movie I was so impressed that I had to try to find out who he was. for those of you who want to check him out go to I guess
what I'm saying is, the future looks bright for direction in haitian movies.

having said that, if you are a good actor no matter how bad of a director you have you can still do a decent job no matter what. it's just a matter of you being believable in the role you play and that's hard to find in haitian movies, a believable actor.

where you can get lost in the story not in the acting.

they just pretend too much instead of just being the character.

See the related photo:

Nice Simon

Photo © by Kenston

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I will take your word for it as far is the movie...

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