What ha to be done to make the haitian movies.

Daphy08 - May 7 2008, 12:03 PM

First of all I love haitian Movies, but there is one one problem in the industry they don't nmake a lot of money to promote the movie.

How you gonna make the money by going to the movie right, if we don't have that much going to see the movie in theaters then its not gonna happen.

We used to have two now we have three movie theaters in Haiti which is good so you have to make the money from movie goers.

Thats mean we need more theraters in haiti not only in the capital also in the ville de province we have people leaving there .The movie has to be a hit to make people to go see them have at least one or two famous actors in the movie some one that everyone knows.

Everybody will love to see there favorite actors in a movie.One more thing make more award show where we can give them there respect they deserve it they work hard for it.I never see a movie premiere in haiti if they do I never see the pic i only see in Miami.

I know we can do better


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