Misunderstanding between John Carlo

I just wanted to clarify the mis-interpretation of John's comment that created such confusion amoung my Haitian brothers and sisters.

First of all, John and Carlo are good friends.

John would never say anything to ofend Carlo.

You guys just took it out of context.

John simply said "let start the war" which means in production: LET WORK HARDER IN ORDER TO BETTER OUR HAITIAN MARKET.

If you go back to read the remark made by John, he clearly congratulated Carlo for his efford in his new movie.

As a producer, I honestly think that one's comment should not be taken out of context in order to badmouth the individual.

And for those of you who use this site to provoke others or use profanity toward others, watch out. to my Literate friends, as you might know, it is unlawful to threat someone by phone or via
e-mail or internet.

If you have problem with someone, resolve your problem peacefully instead of (ASASINE KARAKTE YON LOT).

this site is for entertainment only not for JOURE.


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