Haitian Actor in HBO - The Wire

Did you know that there is a Haitian actor in the HBO series the Wire?

His name is [[act1875 Jamie Hector

Jamie Hector was born in Brooklyn, New York but his parents are from Haiti.

If you play any video Games you may also hear Jamie Hector's voice on video Games like "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories" as a pedestrian or "The Warriors"

There is a nice interview on All Hiphop .com where Jamie Hector talks about this role on The wire.

Clip from the article: "With only one season under his belt, Marlo Stanfield all but took over prime street corners in HBO's hit series The Wire. Brooklyn-born actor Jamie Hector plays the sadistically driven drug lord who quickly riveted Wire fans already captivated by the show's authentic portrayal of urban street affairs."

You can read all about here.

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