oh baba a la nèg audacieux papa!!!

G9conceptla - February 5 2007, 3:49 PM

I can't belive you actually have the nerves to tell me to go do some research on whom graduated from the University of Miami.

For your Own information, my aunt has been working in the Admission Department for the past 18 years, updating students files and so on. Now tell me something, How come your file was no where to be found when she punched your name on the computer Hun?

Please tell me, were you and Invisible UM student?

Ti gason Bam Di-w, stop lying to people ok. You've never been part of the University Of Miami family there's no record of you graduated from there.

So get it right, Miami Dade College is not the University of Miami alrightttt!!!! By the way I do know what a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Communication is: It's something you wish you had. So you're the one who need to go do some research.

Perhaps check the meaning of Mediocrity.

You shoud see your name in big letters right there next to it. Ou chita ap confondre vitesse ak précipitation, Gadé ti mal relax tandé.

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