Let me know when you have a poster for that movie.

Chirst - October 27 2006, 7:17 PM

to the producer of Lwen lakay or Far From Home. have you ever saw of poster in your all life, do you understand the concept or what should be in a poster, or what people should read in your poster (not words but Images) let me give you a few haitian movie posters: Oasis, Kidnappings, Laura, etc....

what you have posted in the net or on Belfim this is not a poster.

I'm not to good in critize people but when it comes to movie I critisize them because if there is one thing I know best, is movie "laws" so please try to think before you putthat movie out there.

Related Movie:

Far From Home

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I agree one thousand percent. That movie was the...

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