looking for filmmakers

Sade Wilkins - August 22 2008, 12:40 PM

Good Morning,

This is Sade Wilkins from Total Black TV. We are looking for content, and we offer your filmmakers exposure to an audience.

We essentially offer black filmmakers a built-in-audience that is interested in hearing about the various stories and perspectives that comprise black life.

Filmmakers can take advantage of our site by promoting themselves by uploading their older films and selling their new films on the site. Unlike Youtube or Myspace, for filmmaker, performers, and artists TBTV provides a revenue stream.

It gives the filmmaker the opportunity to introduce themselves to an audience that is interested in their story thus creating exposure and building a fan base. So if there are any filmmakers that you can forward this to or an email list serve that you can send to us that would be greatly appreciated.

Total Black TV is an online TV network providing a variety of on-demand content.

It is a site that focuses exclusively on black content, a media that has been under-served.

Total Black TV also produces and edits its own content.

We also offer those services.

TBTV also has a sister site which is primarily a social community site that people can exchange information, videos, and build.

The site is based in New York. Much of our viewer ship is
in New York, Los Angeles, United Kingdom, and South Africa.


Sade Wilkins

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