respect! respect! respect! respect!

From The North - February 3 2008, 1:04 AM

Every time I come on that website to get some information there's always a stupid fight between a bunch of fools.

The funniest thing is that they are trowing mud about such and such movie that no one haven't seen yet. Meaning UNABLE TO JUDGE.

How could you comment with so much anger or passion about a trailer or just a scene?

What is so wrong about just saying you like or don't like and accept that some might not agree with you?

It is clear that movie producers are behind most of these bashing.

Now it is easy to get a camera and easy money, so some people qualify themselves as producer writers or director...

When ever someone is in charged of a group of people he/she needs to have a minimum of management skills or at least the theory.

Number one on the list RESPECT.

Trying to trash someone reputation by bringing up true or false stories is just pathetic! The so called fans are also bringing down their stars by not accepting critics.

Hollywood would be a war zone if the world was acting like you!

And all these unecessary insults.

Go to school?

Please!!! It doesn't make you smart! Some cheat, others forget about everything the day they hand out their last assignment.

Education is within you: you either grow up with a good education or you learn it in contact of others.

No degree will ever do that!

We all know these people are a group of cowards that would never dare to talk face to face to the person they are attacking, but it is still disgraceful and hurtful.

The propaganda doesn't work! At the end of the day, you will still have to prove yourself.

Stick to the BUSINESS TALK!!! And let's make some good movies

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