You raised an important point. I understand that fans have...

Jay - June 28 2009, 4:15 PM

You raised an important point.

I understand that fans have gotten used to Pe Georges in the Remo series but what they failed to realize is that he's just a character in a movie plot. The director can bring in any other actor to play that role. Terminator goes on without Arnold.

Christian Bale is the new leading man for the Batman series.

Superman goes on without Reeves.

Typecasting is bad for actors but not for haitian actors obviously.

It's bad when people think your name is that of a character you've portrayed.

It's even worst when that actor refers to himself as that charactor in real life. Great actors fall in love with a role for the time being and forget about it when the movie is done. Staying atttached to a certain role you played as an actor will only hurt your career.

This is my two cents.

I'm not speaking on behalf of anyone.

Kudos to the improvements in the Haitian Film Industry.

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Typecasting, Hollywood Hates it, Bellwood Love it

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