The Guilt Trailer
« Previous Next »Watch the movie trailer of Haitian movie THE GUILT, a new film produced and directed by Jean R. Galumette
a hot shot Miami lawyer decides to stray from his wife life itself takes revenge and lays down the law....
The Guilt Trailer Hatian Film
Video Comments (5)
Dear Sir/Madam
I am seeking about 12 hours/films of Haitian Programs for a cable Station in New York City
I cant wait to see this movie let me know when it's going on dvd
somebody told me a little about it, it sound very informative
congratulation to the producer
mwen tande film ap vin nan dvd an nov 2008 eske se vre paske mwen tale nan grande premiere and i got to say that i enjoy every bit of it.
please let me
Yes i agree with you, i was there myself and i really enjoy the movie.
i think it's one of the best haitian movie for th year 2007, i encourage everybody to see it because you will learn a great lesson from that movie.
The Guilt is an amazing haitian movie that can make you cry, laugh and think.It's based on every day life that is why i encourage everybody who did not go to the grande premiere to come out next time, because it's worth it.You'll be surprise that, you're actually watching a hollywood image on behalf of Jean Michel Gallumette, Producer.
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