THE NEW WORLD by samuel Vincent
Names: Samuel Vincent
Here is a short little suspense by Samuel Vincent. He says "This is what i do when i am bored at home, I grab my camcorder and decide to go on freestyle. Let me know if you like it."
Video Comments (6)
Maggy says...
that's clerver i'm not talking about where he leaves.
if you want to talk about where he leaves that's your business for your info, i don't hate him, his movies are great, specially natalie.
Hater Chaser says...
If you know exactly which apartment Samuel uses to shoot his movies then you are a hater.
only a hater would know suc personal information and post it online.
Maggy says...
Wooow samuel finally change location.
so far i saw one of your movie all the way, but you need to stop beeing too cheap why?
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