Natalie Movie Grand Premier Trailer
On September 23, 07 the movie so many people is waiting for "NATALIE" directed by Samuel Vincent.Natalie is a psychological Thriller, played by Juliette Milord, Carine Charles, Duke Extra and Sheila Mocombe
Video Comments (4)
my name is Roosevelt and i'm a big movie fanatic when i watch a movie i look for
everything, and i don't get impress easily this time i was.i've watched miss Milord film and she's a very good actress, she did very good in the role
mwen encourajew nan tout sa wap fe.min yon sel bagay ke mwen pa renmen le wap joue fim ou fe trop san coule.chak foua mwen fin gade fim ou, mwen gin problem poum domi. fe plis efo pa fe san koule nan fim yo.mwen swetew kouraj nan tout sa wap
It's with great pleasure that i have accepted the invitation by my ex-wife, Carine Delerme, to be the Master of Ceremony of this special event.
I know the director of the movie, Samuel Vincent, is capable of and has done a great job. Please, tell all your friends to come and support Samuel and Carine on this special night.
We've been waiting for this movie for a long time. I thought temptation was a really good movie, I am almost certian that Natalie will be better.
Samuel Vincent seem to be a very creatice Haitian movie producer.
See you at the
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