SAN PAPYE Teaser Trailer 2
Next »Watch SAN PAPYE Movie Teaser Trailer 2 Written, Produced and Directed by Hans Patrick Domercant
Video Comments (11)
Hey guys when this movie will finally come out gen 2 movie green card ki soti yo pa remet anyen se pou sa nou pran temps konsa i hope you know whats you doing paske trop prese pa bay sevre men nou fe moun souffri troppe.
SAN PAPYE that title remind me my life 5 years ago i hope you guys deliver in that movie as much information as you can, i hope you show not only the Haitian community, the world the real life of an undocumented immigrant in America.
J'apprecie beaucoup votre "TRAILER" it's good.
I really like this trailer, nice work, mwen swete selman nou pa remet menm tintin Green Card la.
Anpil effort i like this trailer very much and i think its well realized better than the green card movie trailer guys bon travail i'm with you...
kenbe la map rete tann
Excellent trailer the best so far keep up the good work guys i'm really
Patrick je ne sais pas si tu te souviens de moi je suis Fabienne Brutus on s'est rencontré a New york Ritz camera appel moi au 212-877-8760.
je te souhaites beaucoup de success ton film fait déjà la une des journaux a paris.c'est tres important appel moi ou ecris moi au fabienbr at
i was wonder why Marcus is running away like that is that for the immigration officers that's funny i really like the trailer guys keep up the good
Monche you right, trailer a ba ou gou pou gade movie a men jan ou di a neg yo pran troppe tan ak movie saa.Sa nap regle toujou, tifi pastè 2 soti sou nou, les voleurs soti sou nou men green card ap soti sou nou anko sa nap rete tann.
Mesye i impress by your trailer ...but fok mwen di nou nou pran troppe temps ak movie saa
Director di peuple la kile movie saa ap soti sa pral fe deja 1 an depi yap pale de film saa sou
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