Titles: La Vie Nan Bouk La

Names: Jean Max Choute, alias Frederic

PHOTO: Haiti Cinema - Gade kijan Frederic vini Granmoun (La Vie Nan Bouk La)

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Gade photo saa... Ou sonje Frededic, Papa Pyè ak Bos Macel nan La Vie Nan Bouk la? Sa se deyne photo ti lezanj la (Fredorik) ki ap sikile sou rezau sociaux yo. Misye finn granmoun nèt.

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Haiti Cinema - What happened to Frededic from La Vie Nan Bouk La? He seems to have aged overnight

Haiti Celebrities Update -- Do you remember this actor? This is Jean Max Choute, alias Frededic from the old Haitian TV sitcom "La Vie Nan Bouk La." He seems to have aged overnight...

Tags: Haiti Celebrity Photos

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Subject: PHOTO: Haiti Cinema - Gade kijan Frederic vini Granmoun (La Vie Nan Bouk La) edit

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