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Daddy Day Care
1804: The Hidden History of Haiti
Women in Law
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous
Haiti Cinema : Cap-Haitien - KADO BONDYE a l'Afiche, Versailles Cine le 22 Avril 2018
Le Destin de Caroline
Bob Lemoine is Dead - Bob Lemoine Mouri wi...
Haitian Movie Producers Fighting In Court Over Movie Rights
Haitian DVD movie prices dropping to $4.99 Retail
Patience Movie Trailer
L'Innocence Movie Trailer
Les Traces Du Passé - movie trailer
Murder In Pacot Movie Trailer
Don Kato, I love you anne
Aristide and the Endless Revolution
Haitian filmmaker Raynald Delerme (Baba) is mourning the death of her mother
Haiti actress Ginou Mondesir, memories of her violent death resurfaces in the aftermath of Nice Simon's domestic violence case
Haiti Cinema - Most popular biography on Belfim (March 2018)
Haiti Cinema - Finally, a movie about the 'Madan Sara,' the hardest working Haitian women
DVD Sales declining, Streaming is king, what does that mean for Haitian movie industry?