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- Actress Garcelle Beauvais visits a school in Haiti
- Haiti - Mezanmi, Men Bos Macel (La Vi Nan Bouk La)
- Kisa Josephine Genyen Movie Trailer
- Haitian Actor Papa Pie rushed to the Hospital Sunday during Haitian Movie Awards
- Wyclef Dead, Wyclef In A Coffin
- Haiti Actress Fabienne Colas Honored in Quebec, Canada
- Dancing in the Shadow of Love - Haitian Movie Trailer
- Desole Movie Poster
- Disturbed Movie Premiere Photo
- New Film Distribution Company
- Haiti Cinema - Most Popular photo on Belfim (March 2018)
- Haiti actress Ginou Mondesir, memories of her violent death resurfaces in the aftermath of Nice Simon's domestic violence case
- Haiti Cinema - Finally, a movie about the 'Madan Sara,' the hardest working Haitian women
- Haiti Cinema : Haitian filmmaker can't remember the last time he put his movie on DVD
- Haiti Cinema - Most popular biography on Belfim (March 2018)