I am sorry the box ran out of space Mr Da Curtain...i had to...
I am sorry the box ran out of space Mr Da Curtain...i had to finished my sentences.
Your called me a raped-filmaker...I can see that you certainly know a lot about rapist...are you also in that business of raped victims, so that you know in deph their trauma...I don't know about you mr da curtain, I am kind of losing my respect for you to the point of using caps in your AKA name.
We have moved on da curtain, if you see our Television show on the heavy rains of 2008...where were you?
when we almost lost the provinces inluding Gonaives...where you there, NO! probably copying the next film. As I said again, You won't get your hands on the final version of Pluie d'Espoir and our new film being shot. Perhaps Ishould give you the name, maybe you can start there...Names can also be pirated you know that?
Children without a God! And it's about the children in the streets of Port-au-Prince working as beggers.
Do not worry they won't pirate this one, I assure you.
Oh, why did I spend days without eating?
Because my mother had to raise 6 kids on her own, under the dictatorship of the Duvalier''s and my Dad was killed by that regime.
It was hard to eat all the times.
But when I was in Chalon, I ate all the times with my good friend Ti Michel, who was the son of a Paesant.
See the connection of Pluie d'Espoir mr da curtain...
leavec the American Slangs behind mr da cutain, go with your own. Don't attack the only film that elevated the life of a paesant, because they have more character than you can ever have. I don't have to prove anything.
My pride in my work comes from the essence of my cultural roots.
If you could only travel to the provinces and
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Once again Mr. Director: Whenever you hear criticism...
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Do you know who you are, Mr. Roc?...give up?...you...
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