On thing I destest is somone hiding behind the curtains. You...
On thing I destest is somone hiding behind the curtains.
You said that I don't know you...of course I don't you forgot to leave your name. Prophet can mean anything!How can I believe that your are on my side, as far as I am concerned you could be one of the pirates.
Let me tell you this my friend...I sometimes browse through Belfim to see what's up with everyone else's projects; what's coming out and who's who. I don't a lecture from you specially when you hide. I feel obligated to answer people who have taken their times to write to me because they appreciated the work and felt frustraded about the piracy...you claimes everyone has seen the film and there is still room for profits.
It is not about profits my friend it is about more than that...If you are normally satisfied (thinking that perhaps you are either a filmaker or a pirate) with mediocre work, I am not and knowing that someone took a butchered montage of my film and release it for personal gains, I want people to see the real version of the film not some collage with missing scenes that are very important to the scenario...I won't even go to the trouble of asking questions about the film that you couldn't answer enve if your life depended on it. So let me add this final statement.
NOT EVEN YOU HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE unless you are my editing assistant who assisted me at the studios when I completed the film.
Our distributor is already in place.
Thank you my good friend, but keep youradvise to yourself.
Let the audience judge and receive satisfaction.
If you want to know why I come on Belfim to answer about Pluie d'Espoir well...the same reason I had to answer you; out of "Politesse!"
Jacques Roc (My full name not some AKA name!)
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Hi Jacques, It's time to move on man ce qui est fait...
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Once again Mr. Director: Whenever you hear criticism...
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