regarding I love you anne.

Chanelle - March 17 2007, 12:03 AM

no comments, but i watched "I LOVE YOU ANNE" with my americans, hispanic friends too, and they all said the same thing as far as her beauty.

the servant "CLEANTA" is way prettier than her. u know what CHAQU'UN A SA BEAUTE, so what she's light skin?

i remmenbered one time she replied about a post someone wrote in belfim.

and she responded "LA COULEUR NOIR! OU AS TU VUS CETTE COULEUR"; since then i don't have the same love for her, who cares?

anyway she's doing a great job in the HMI, i give her a lot of credits, but she needs to remmember that we all are the same no matter what your skin color is.

thank you very much and anyone who has something to say just find something else to do with your spare time, after that i'm out.


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