Just a little correction on the info that you got from baby...

Raynald Delerme - August 17 2009, 3:27 PM

Just a little correction on the info that you got from baby love, the festival is not organized by Cine Impérial but the Haitian filmmakers association in Haiti (A.H.C) in an effort to see if they can get enough investors interested in keeping cine Impérial open beyond the planned closing date of August 30th, 2009. A.H.C., Association Haïtienne de cinéastes is like the Haitian American Association of Filmmakers in the US of which I am the President and CEO. From last that I heard, Cine Imperial is bankrupt.

Unfortunately, they have never seen Haitian cinema as a way of getting great revenues for their business.

They always saw it as a competitor for their foreign films.

They allowed Haitian films to be played there at great cost, 50% of the revenue when the movie theater business makes money not from ticket sales but from the candy, popcorn and coke sales.

If Haitian film brings the most people to the theater in Haiti, they should have encouraged that. They did not. So they lost. They have other reasons, but that's for anouther post. In the meantime, the Haitian American Association of Filmmakers is offering in Miami, as of Sunday August 30th, 2009, Haitian films everyday (Sunday to Friday), every week, one new movie a week, at Cinema 6 (California Mall), 850 Ives Dairy Rd. The first month is already lined up with great Haitian films, starting with Dépoté #2 (1st week) and Le Péché et le Pardon (2nd week).

Tickets are only $8.00 and $5.00 for kids. Let's hope that will help the Haitian movie industry with the last theater in Port-au-Prince shutting down at the end of this month.

For more infos on the programming and the Haitian American Association of Filmmakers, you can go to www.haiticinema.com

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