Streaming an Haitian movie (or music, or any kind of video...

Administrator - March 18 2009, 9:27 PM

Streaming an Haitian movie (or music, or any kind of video) without the consent of its author is clearly a violation of the law. Some people do it to promote their website.

Some even make money from it by selling ads. This is a criminal activity.

But there is also the fact that Haitian movies on DVD are too expensive, that the movies quality often does not worth the money you buy them...

and that people like bargains.

The Haitian filmmakers should consider a class action suit against those websites owners violating the law. But they should also consider reducing the price of DVDs, improving the quality of their work and finding creative ways of giving legal access to those who ultimately cannot pay.


Why hatian movies are playing over the internet?

I would know why all haitian movies are playing over the internet without paying the producers? I wanna let every...

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