that's how we know

Haitian Girl - May 27 2008, 10:38 PM

I know the movies are not out yet, by looking at the trailers we can tell which one is the best. Birth of an Assassin has more viewers than 2 weapon of life. We ca easily tell which movie attract the public.

I went on Birth of an Assassin has about 20thousand viewers, and The two Weapon of Life has only 2thousand viewers, and no comments.

That's how we can tell which movie is the best. At this time Birth of an Assassin is way over the top.

Watch the related video:

The 2 Weapons Of Life Movie Trailer

Watch the trailer of Haitian movie The 2 Weapons Of Life a new film bu Carlo St Elot. Armed with two weapons, a bible...

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this movie is not realy comparable with birth of...

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